

Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 1 Build

We started early this morning. Woke up, had some breakfast, and were to the build site by 9am. Today's activities consisted of taping windows, adding support beams to the front porch, and nailing the siding into the house. It was a gorgeous day to work - temperatures reaching 75 degrees. This definitely made the workday most enjoyable. We had a delicious lunch that was provided to us by the church. It was taco soup, chicken salad sandwiches, and apple strudel for dessert. We covered nearly an entire side of the house in siding today, so I'm assuming we'll be finishing up the rest tomorrow. It's great to see all the progress we've made just in one short day! After the build day was over with we went to Grace Heartland Church to shower and get ready for dinner being hosted by members of the church board. Once we had our dinner (chili, sandwiches, and yummy desserts of cherry cheesecake, s'mores pie, and chocolate chip bread) we were free to explore. We visited Freeman Lake and took a nature walk on the trails. The sun was setting and the views were breathtaking. We relaxed for a bit then walked across the street to the Elizabethtown Nature Park Veteran's Memorial. Words can't really describe the memorial, so I've uploaded some pictures. Afterwards we headed home to the volunteer center where we're currently hanging out for the night. It's been an eventful day, but I'm sure I'll have more adventures to share tomorrow!

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