

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Volcán Boquerón

Last night after the build we got to spend the beautiful day hiking volcano Boquerón. At over 6,000 feet of elevation, we finally made it to the peak. The most recent eruption of the volcano occurred in 1917, and before that it produced other significant eruptions, including the one occurring around 590 AD, burying the Mayan city of Cerén that we saw on Wednesday. 

From the top of the volcano we could see the Boquerón Crater, first formed between 700 and 1,000 years ago due to the mass accumulation of lava around its edifice. The crater that can be seen today was more prominently formed after a violent explosion. It increased its size to about one mile in diameter and over 1,600 feet deep. This is how the crater got its name Boquerón, which means "big mouth" in Spanish. 

After taking in the breathtaking views on top of Boquerón, we drove to a nearby restaurant "La Pupusa Loka" that is on the drive down from the hiking entryway of the volcano. Their main dish is pupusas, which is a traditional Salvadorian dish made of tortillas and filled with cheese and a choice of meat, beans, or loroco. Loroco is an edible flower bud native to Central America that's used as an herb in many dishes. It's green and has a little overtone taste of nuts. Although I did not try it, I heard from the locals that it's very flavorful. I ended up ordering a pupusa con pollo (chicken) and it has to be the tastiest dish I've had here yet. I can now see why the Salvadorians gleam over them. 

After a filling dinner and incredible views of the city at La Pupusa Loka, we were ready to go home and rest. We all piled into the vans and set off for our hotel. It was the perfect day, but not everything can go off without a hitch right? On the way down the clutch blew out in one of the vans so we all had to cram into the other van. Some people were really sick, so it wasn't the most optimal situation to be in. On the bright side, we were all safe and made it back just fine with no further catastrophes. They say that everything happens for a reason, so maybe it was just for a great story to tell. Everything that happens on this trip just makes it all the more memorable. 

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