

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Day 2 Build

Well, I'd like to think we made more progress today than we did yesterday, but that wouldn't be true. We started off great - we got the tresses on, siding of the house painted, exterior Tyrex wrapped around the house, and began installing the windows. Unfortunately, the weather took a turn for the worst after lunch and prevented us from getting anything else done. We thought the rain was going to hold off, but instead it came pounding down and washed away a lot of our progress. The siding we recently painted washed right off and we weren't able to use the power tools to finish sheeting the roof, so that will all have to be done (and re-done) tomorrow. As they say in Hawaii: "Hana Hou!" (Do It Again!), which is definitely what we'll be doing.

We're currently under a flood watch since it has been raining about 1-2 inches per hour for the last four hours, so we can only hope that it lets up soon to give the build site time to dry out for us tomorrow. Right now it looks like a swamp out there. Keep your fingers crossed for us, everyone!

We not only lost hours of work time today, but we also lost our poolside luau tonight. Instead, it's been rescheduled to be hosted in the ballroom (still fun, but not overlooking a pool and gorgeous ocean view). I was told that luaus are typically poolside or beachside parties that feature live entertainment, such as traditional Hawaiian music and hula. This likely won't be quite the same since we don't have a lot of room inside the hotel ballroom, but I'm still grateful that we can gather as a group and have a fun time after a sort of lousy day. Mai Tai cheers all around in hopes of better weather for tomorrow!

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