

Monday, September 18, 2017

Recreational Morning & Day 5 Build

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves for this blog post and let you take it all in, so this will be a fairly short entry. I ended up renting some snorkeling gear this morning with two others from our build group and we decided to seek out the sea turtles on our own. That had to have been the best $12 I ever spent. Once I got underwater I was swarmed by dozens of sea turtles just swimming around eating seagrass by the shore. They were so friendly; some of them were swimming right under me and some of them were swimming right towards me. I figured they must be used to human interaction since they didn't seem cautious at all towards me; they were more welcoming than anything. One of them I saw even looked like it had a tag on it, so it must have been under surveillance at some point. All I know is that it was so hard to leave them this morning, but we had to be getting back for dinner soon (we stayed out in the water for four hours). This definitely won't be my last time snorkeling though, so I'm hoping I can spot a few turtles again next time!

Build Day 5 was also today. The volunteers had the day off, but the sub-contractors came in to install the drywall. Tomorrow morning we're back on the worksite though, so check back again to see what progress Day 6 brings!

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