

Monday, September 18, 2017

Day 6 Build

Now it's really starting to look like a house! Today we finished all exterior caulking and painting, installed the front door, and completed roofing the shingles. With four more days left, all we really have to do is interior work. It's all coming along really nicely and it's looking like we truly will build ten houses in ten days with help from the entire team of 150 volunteers.

We've all gotten to spend a lot of time with the future home owner, Napua. Her and her husband, Lorrin, along with their four children have actually been living with Napua's mother who was blessed with a Habitat home in 2012 when the last Blitz Build took place. This year, they were thrilled to find out that they would be getting their own home. They're most looking forward to finally having a sense of place, providing opportunities to further bond with their children, and starting a new beginning to build memories and special moments. THIS is what Habitat is all about.

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