

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


After over 30 hours of flying and layovers, I finally arrived at my house last night safe and sound. My overall build experience was better than I could've ever imagined! I feel as though I really made a difference throughout the community in Quezon City. I worked really hard to build and bond. After a few hours of work, I made sure I took a break to spend time with the families who I was building for; they truly appreciated it. Every day our building group was reminded of how thankful the community was, and we knew that on the first day when the families started to come outside and sit there for hours watching us construct their home. Every moment I experienced at our job-site in the Philippines will stay with me for a lifetime. It was so impactful and heartwarming; especially when the kids would run by me and say my name, asking me to play with them. I hope that someday I can go back again. I already miss all the families; adults and children, and because of that, a part of me will always stay in the Philippines.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Recreational Day

Today we traveled two hours to the countryside of the Philippines. Habitat International paid to give us a recreational day because of all the confusion at the airport yesterday. We decided to spend the day in Tagaytay Highlands with their Chief Financial Officer. It was a beautiful view! We took a cable car ride down the hills overlooking the volcano and did some hiking and more sightseeing. Then we ate lunch together at the Country Club and afterwards headed for the Sky Ranch to ride the biggest ferris wheel I've ever seen. We spent awhile there until the Chief Financial Officer offered to have dinner prepared for us in her home. It was a gorgeous house and a delicious meal. After dinner she gave us all gifts from her store. I got a hand-made bracelet and purse. We all felt so welcomed and thankful for the thoughtful gifts and hospitality! We sang one karaoke song for her, at her request, and we made on our way back. Now we're at the hotel preparing for another day at the airport. We'll meet in the lobby at 3am like yesterday to leave for the airport and hopefully will make it home this time!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Last Night & Travel Updates

After being awake for nearly 30 hours I'm about ready to pass out. Last night we all went to a huge mall together in the city since it was our last night here. We did some shopping and a few others played basketball at the courts. When we came back it was really late and we all hung out together with the Japanese students. We decided to pull an all-nighter because we had to be in the lobby by 3am and it was already midnight by the time we got back to our hotel rooms and showered. We also wanted to be able to sleep for the entire plane ride home. Unfortunately, when we got to the airport we received bad news. Our flight to Japan was going to go right through Typhoon Halong. It wasn't safe to fly out, so we're stuck in the Philippines for a few more days. The earliest flight we could get isn't until Monday. After making the arrangements, we then had to find a way back to our hotel, where we tentatively booked rooms in anticipation that this would happen. However, we no longer had a ride back. Our tour guide provided by Habitat had already left and his phone was off. Since taxis aren't very safe here, we had no other way of transportation until our tour guide answered his phone, which didn't happen to be until about 5 hours later. We all sat in the airport and waited, disordered and fatigued. Everyone just needed a bed at that point. Now that we're all finally back to the hotel we can sleep. The only reason I'm awake right now is because it's 11:00am and really bright in my room. Also, there's construction going on right outside of my hotel room window. It's not the greatest situation, but I'm thankful that I can at least feel comfort in knowing that I'm safe. If we would've taken our flight to Japan, we would've been much worse off. It landed in Hong Kong because the typhoon got too strong, and now everyone on the plane is stuck there until Monday. Even though it's been an inconvenience all day, I'm going to make the best out of my last few days here. I came here to make a difference and improve the housing situation in Quezon City, and I can honestly say that I feel our entire group has done just that for the community we were building for. God has a plan, and this little delay is part of it.

Day 5 Build & Goodbye Ceremony

Today there were many moments of happiness but also many moments of sadness - which is expected in a farewell program. We worked for a few hours this morning, but most of the day was spent playing with the kids. We put on a little dance party since there was a speaker at the worksite today. The kids loved it! They were all signing and dancing with us; they even taught us a few new moves. Then we ate lunch and I was asked to interview with Habitat International. They asked me several questions that will be posted on their website. Afterwards was the farewell ceremony where the kids performed two rehearsed dances for us, which were amazing! Then we performed two songs and an interactive penguin dance. A few people gave speeches at the end of the farewell program. One of the Habitat construction workers explained all the progress we've made - chipping away at over 10 different cement holes where the support beams were then put up for the foundation of the house. Our group leader and the Japanese students' group leader also gave speeches, and then the Habitat Philippines leader gave a speech and presented all the participants with certificates. The community performed one last song, their farewell song, and then we had to get ready to leave. We had ten minutes for final goodbyes. I distributed the candy I bought for the kids as a small gift and they jumped on that right away! Then after a few pictures and hugs we all had to make our way back to the bus. The kids walked us out and waved to us as we left. It was sad saying goodbye to them all, but they've left me with so many good memories that I will keep with me for the rest of my life.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 4 Build

The work day started off with most of the same tasks again. Today I bent more rebar and made cement. We're seeing even more progress, which is exciting! We now have almost every support bar up. The day was mostly spent working so I didn't get to spend as much time with the kids as I would've liked to, but at the end of the day we sang and danced together. They even wiped the dirt off my back because I got so muddy from working. I can't believe how sweet they are! When it was time to leave, a bunch of them grabbed my hands and walked me out. I got hugs before I got in the van to go back to the hotel, and they waved goodbye and ran after it when we drove away. Tomorrow is my last work day, which also means it's the last day I'll see the kids again. It's such a bittersweet feeling and I'm not sure how I'll be able to cope with that. It will be a fun day, but at the same time it will be filled sadness and heavy hearts. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 3 Build

It's a great feeling seeing progress in the work we're doing! Today the support beams went up from the rebar we cut yesterday. This morning I was still digging in the holes where the support beams are put, but this time I actually got to use a jackhammer. After that I was bending the rebar that's made into the support beams. My favorite task today was making cement, which I got to do later on in the day. A group of us got to mix it all up and then shovel it into buckets to pour into the holes. Of course the day wouldn't be complete without spending time with the kids. They were so much fun again today - as they are every day! It's really precious how they follow me around while I work saying my name, and when they ask to play I just can't turn them down. We played tag again, volleyball, temple run, and they also taught me some new games. Whenever we're not playing games they'll come up to me and ask to take pictures. In some of the pictures they were throwing up the peace sign! I really can't get over how such simple things make them so happy. It seems like it makes their entire day when I take time away from working just to play with them. Sometimes they'll even tap my shoulder and say "you're it" to try to get me to play again. This is what I look forward to most every day. I'm sure tomorrow it will be even more fun, because every day they just warm my heart more and more. To top the night off, I worked up enough courage to eat balut. It's a delicacy here that they love to eat. The dictionary definition for it is: "a developing duck embryo that is boiled alive and eaten in the shell." It really wasn't terrible because it just tasted like an egg, but I don't feel a need to eat one again now that I've tried it. I'll stick to my over-easy fully cooked eggs for breakfast from here on out.