

Friday, August 8, 2014

Day 5 Build & Goodbye Ceremony

Today there were many moments of happiness but also many moments of sadness - which is expected in a farewell program. We worked for a few hours this morning, but most of the day was spent playing with the kids. We put on a little dance party since there was a speaker at the worksite today. The kids loved it! They were all signing and dancing with us; they even taught us a few new moves. Then we ate lunch and I was asked to interview with Habitat International. They asked me several questions that will be posted on their website. Afterwards was the farewell ceremony where the kids performed two rehearsed dances for us, which were amazing! Then we performed two songs and an interactive penguin dance. A few people gave speeches at the end of the farewell program. One of the Habitat construction workers explained all the progress we've made - chipping away at over 10 different cement holes where the support beams were then put up for the foundation of the house. Our group leader and the Japanese students' group leader also gave speeches, and then the Habitat Philippines leader gave a speech and presented all the participants with certificates. The community performed one last song, their farewell song, and then we had to get ready to leave. We had ten minutes for final goodbyes. I distributed the candy I bought for the kids as a small gift and they jumped on that right away! Then after a few pictures and hugs we all had to make our way back to the bus. The kids walked us out and waved to us as we left. It was sad saying goodbye to them all, but they've left me with so many good memories that I will keep with me for the rest of my life.

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